
Spectrum Biofeedback Certification Institute of Asia (SBCIA)

SBCIA is set up as the professional body to facilitate the development of biofeedback and Neurofeedback in Asia. Its missions are to:

  • promote the use of biofeedback and neurofeedback in Asia through certification program
  • promote research and development in the field of biofeedback and neurofeedback
  • provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share information
  • promote good clinical and ethical practice
  • provide continuous improvement and upgrading of skills and knowledge of all practitioners

Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)

UTP was established in 1997 Research and Development is at its core. UTP conducts research with PETRONAS and a wide range of institutions and industries globally. Its missions are to:

  • be an institute of higher learning and provide opportunities for the pursuit of knowledge and expertise for the advancement of engineering, science and technology to enhance the nations competitiveness
  • produce well-rounded graduates who are creative and innovative with the potential to become leaders of industry and the nation
  • nurture creativity and innovativeness and expand the frontiers of technology and education for the betterment of society